Converting ws8212 protocol back to binary

Hello everybody. I’m trying to make my own ws8212 standalone driver. Since a long time ago I bought this big powerful RGB leds, I’m trying to add a uC to each one and use the animations already found online.
I’m still in the research stage and found the following protocol:

So basically I need the arduino to convert .8us pulses to binary 1 and .4us pulses to binary 0.

Maybe theres an easier way of solving the problem? I’m all ears

You can buy ws2811 chips (the “smarts” of a neopixel without any leds) separately: WS2811 NeoPixel LED Driver Chip - 10 Pack : ID 1378 : $4.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

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Well now I feel so dumb. Lol, thank you so much!

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