Cool project kitchen hack, help needed


For school I want to make a kitchen hack. In short, I want to make a bowl with a plate on it, wich is meant for rising of dough. The applied features would be an lcd screen that says the temperature inside the bowl when you push a button. Also a buzzer that gives a signal when a certain degree is exceeded. I had the idea to make it only work if the bowl is closed with the help of a photosensitive sensor.
How feasible do you think this is? I have an arduino kit (so the temperature sensor is a LM35) and I also bought a 'photsensitive sensor module with 3 pin cable'.

I have troubles knowing which parts to connect together to make it work. Also to make a code next besides it. I tried asking chatGPT but it doesn't really help.

It would be a blessing if I could get some guidance and/or some help and ideas for this project. I don't know where to find a solution elsewhere.

With kind regards


My standard advice:

Keep asking the robot until he/she/it gives you the correct result you expect.

One answer could probably be 42.

Drop robot code. It comes without any strategy told and no helper will be eutusiastic to dive into it.

Look at it this way:
You make one sketch running the disply only. There are plenty of example code available.
When that works You add exa ple code for the tempsensor.
Then the same for the photosensor.
Then add code reading the button.
Ow it's time to let the button value, the tempsensor and the photosensor to interact. Add one piece of logik at the time.
The intention for this forum is helpiing members to get started learning code writing. Forum is not a toy factory delivering ready to use code.

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very feasible. every named things are already made by someone. you can look and learn from them, even take some piece of code to your sketch.

Find what others have done with searches containing the word Arduino and what you want help with like "Arduino LM35 tutorial" or "Arduino LDR tutorial" (LDR = Light Dependant Resistor).

The Arduino language reference is also a valuable resource. Look at the if structure for making comparisions.

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