Cooler that can be app controlled - Project Feasibility

Hello. I am new to Arduino. I also don't know much about technology. I wonder, would it be possible to make a cooler that can be controlled with an app/website? The app/website would control temperature and when the cooler turns on and off. Also, what board would be the best for this project?

Sounds like this is within the realm of possibility with current technology.

Hello. I am new to Arduino. I also don't know much about technology. I wonder, would it be possible to make a cooler that can be controlled with an app/website? The app/website would control temperature and when the cooler turns on and off. Also, what board would be the best for this project?

Consider all the possible failure modes that can happen when you try to remote control the cooler.

How large is the cooler? What technology will be used to cool? What temperatures are involved? What access will be to the cooler?
