Copy or Save option for Serial Terminal

I think a great addition to 19 would be the ability to copy the data in the serial terminal. Or at least save as txt files so that data from debugging can be saved and checked later. I'm using print screen to record what is happening for future reference. The terminal works great if your sitting there debugging but if you come back to a project tomorrow or a few days later you don't want to leave the terminal running all that time.

Why don't you use some terminal program for that stuff.
You can for example use hyperterminal or realterm

I agree the Arduino serial monitor is handy but will never give the features of a nice PC terminal program. I use brey terminal, it's free, it's a standalone exe file. If allows you to have multiple instances, so you can open and close a comm port without having to exit. Send/rec files. macros and lots and lots of other features. Because the Arduino IDE only opens and then closes the comm port when uploading, you can leave both the terminal monitor and IDE opened on you desk-top and then connect or disconnect the comm port on the terminal program, so everything gets along fine. :wink:

I think a great addition to 19 would be the ability to copy the data in the serial terminal

You can do that now. Select the text then press Ctrl+C.

you can leave both the terminal monitor and IDE opened on you desk-top and then connect or disconnect the comm port on the terminal program

It would have been nice if the IDE could synchronize the open/close of the COM port without shutting down the serial monitor. Although the Arduino serial monitor may never rival the better ones out there on features, a little more work along with the benefits from tighter integration could make it a lot more useful.

dear all,

Another interesting standalone terminal is the one proposed by Parallax Inc (the makers of the basic stamps and the propellers) :

best regards,

I would like this, the aren't any good serial terminal programs for mac