Correctly identifying chipset for NicoHood2

This sketch Installation sketch (standalone Arduino Uno Mega) · NicoHood/HoodLoader2 Wiki · GitHub requires to identify the chipset as a parameter.

Screenshot 2022-08-06 150841

As I previously mentioned, I don't have any magnifier powerful enough to read the printing on the chip. Is there some software method on Windows to identify it?

Take a photo with your phone, close, well lit & in focus of 'the chip' you are talking about.

Believe me, I've tried. Repeatedly. Either I suck or my phone does. I'm desperately hoping not to shell out for a microscope but if that's my only option that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I have a small 20x magnifying glass for just this purpose. Got it on eBay very cheap.

Jesus, finally. I had 2 10x lenses and putting them in combination with a bench magnifier I could read the damn thing.

Result! :+1:

Not really. Can't reproduce it :(.

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