Hi, I'm looking to pay someone to write a simple code or two for me.
What I have is a wiper motor and a BTS7960 motor driver connected to an Uno.
I would like to have a motion detection switch activate a motor to turn one revolution. and stop for one minute. After the minute the motion detection would be active again.
Simple one speed (I could adjust this).
Is there anyone out there that can do this for me? And what would be the approximate cost?
Various libraries for the BTS7960 have been written. Inside those libraries are example files, usually for two motors since it is a dual H-bridge.
Adding motion detection would require hardware as well as a library, which also will have example files.
A one minute timer could be as easy as one line: delay(60000);
Or, you could write a robust, non-blocking, function.
Search "bts7960.h" (for the library) and "arduino motion detector" (so many!)
The only complexity would be how you plan to know when a revolution is complete. Otherwise, I would do it for my minimum fee.