Could anyone programe the antenna rotator code for me so I know how it all works I am willing to pay for the coding because I dont have a clue what I am doing.
I can supply a list of all the hardware that will be used in my rotator project (already all purchased) I just dont know what or how to program it all in to the code.
Thanks for any help if interested please PM me with a price in GBP only.
Before anyone can help you, you need to explain in some detail
what you want to do (rotate antenna)
what hardware your using
what controls the rotation
what powers it all
After this expect more questions.
Arduino Nano.
1 X Matrix 4 Keyboard Module 4 Button Tactile Switch.
1 X HD44780 Character LCD Display Module.
2 X TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver Controller (one for AZ one for EL)
All power Supplies.
Antenna Mast End
2 X Stepper Motor 17HS15-1684S-PQ5 nema 17's with planetary gears (one for AZ one for EL).
2 X Worm Gears.
1 X Adafruit breakout board (Link Here) for the 2 below items.
Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates - Version 3.
Triple-axis Accelerometer+Magnetometer (Compass) Board - LSM303.
All of the code to control everything is already in the K3NG code I just dont know what to turn on and off (comment or uncomment) for my setup.