I try to format a microSD 16 GB Kingston (SDHC), using Formatter software from SD Association
I am on Win7 64, a USB thumb card reader (checked: it is labeled "SD/SDHC/MMC").
I use both options of the Formatter (on and off). The Formatter only runs in Quick format mode (others said "not supported).
The formatting action ends successfully stating "FAT32"
I took out the microSD and put it in the Arduino module . This one:
I mounted the module on Arduino UNO R3, along with a temperature sensor and put the SD in. The SD card is supposed to serve as data logger for the temperature sensor.
I run the test scketch bellow (CS is on pin 8 on my board).
The result is:
"Initialization SD card...wiring is correct and a card is present
Cardtype SD2
Could not find FAT16/FAT32 partition
Make sure you've formatted the card"
I run the Windows 7 format command. Same result.
The card is new, not used in any other device.
I do not post schematics because the SD test said it is correct.
My hypothesis is that the format program formats the SD as an SD, and not as a SDHC, for unknown reasons. Then, when the Arduino attempts reading it it turns to a conflictual situation: it is declared an SD, but physically is an SDHC.
I did a google search but it returns a bunch of SD cards basic formatting operation - not useful in my case.
What could be wrong in my routine above to format the SD?
Thank you very much!