Unable to download a sketch to a MKR1000 because IDE says "Couldn't find a board on the specified port. I double checked to-make sure I was using the right COM port. Yes I was. Resetting the board did not fix the problem. Updating the USB driver did not fix the problem, I am using the latest nightly build version of the Arduino IDE and using Windows 10. Another peculiarity is when clicking on Serial Monitor the Arduino IDE says Board at COM 7 is not available. Whereas Device Manager says MKR1000 is using COM port 13.
How do you fix this "Couldn't find a board on the specified port" problem?
"When you say resetting do you mean single or the "quick double tap" to put it in bootloader mode ?"
Resetting using single tap.
"Which version of the IDE ? (1.6.11 being the most stable for my MKR's)"
Initially I used 1.6.10. Using 1.6.13 Hourly Build now. Both versions produce the "Couldn't find a board om the specified port" and "Board at Com7 is not available" errors.
"Which version of the boards for the Cortex M0 ? (currently best with 1.6.6)"
Not sure what you mean by this question. Does MKR1000 answer your question?
"Are you using USB 3.0 ports ? (If so there are known issues with USB 3.0 try USB 2.0 ports)"
"Have you tried different USB cables ? (not all micro USB cables are the same, some are power only)"
Have tried 3 different USB cables. All give the "Couldn't find a board om the specified port" and "Board at Com7 is not vaalable" errors.
"If you are using a USB hub is it a POWERED one ? (Many non powered hubs may not work)"Not using a USB Hub.
No USB Hub
Did you search the forums for "could not find specified port" ? (question has been asked before I am
Yes I searched the forums but couldn't find any useful information.
I have two MKR1000 boards. Both produce the "Couldn't find a board om the specified port" and "Board at Com7 is not available" errors.
OK try the quick succession double tap to force it into bootloader mode and run a simple sketch link blink for the MKR (code below)
Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
Most Arduinos have an on-board LED you can control. On the Uno and
Leonardo, it is attached to digital pin 13. If you're unsure what
pin the on-board LED is connected to on your Arduino model, check
the documentation at http://www.arduino.cc
This example code is in the public domain.
modified 8 May 2014...feb 2016 RH for MKR
by Scott Fitzgerald
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin 13 as an output.
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(5000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(6, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(100); // wait for a second
To find out your boards version goto TOOLS, BOARDS (At the top of the list will be "BOARD MANAGER"
Scroll to "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits-ARM Cortex-M0)" the board version is listed there.
Maybe also do a search whilst you are there and make sure that "hackster.io - MKR1000" is also in and version is 1.6.4-mkr02.
Hopefully it is just a board defs issue.
Close down the IDE between changes (they say you don't need to but I prefer to do it to make sure everything is up. A computer restart might also be worth while too.
The "Blink" sketch is not a suitable test for the MKR1000. The "Blink" sketch is preloaded at the factory and util the the user loads a new sketch a LED will be blinking on and off at a two second rate. On my two MKR1000 boards a LED will blink whenever the board is connected to power. None of my attempts to upload the "Analog Read Serial" sketch has stopped the blinking. A quick double tap of the reset button did not fix my problem.
Board manager says I am using Arduino version 1.6.6 for the Arduino SAMD boards.
Today I tried using the Arduino IDE with Linux to see if using Linux will fix my problems. No luck I am seeing a similar "board not at the specified location problem.
Problem solved. Problem was caused by Windows 10 installing a driver that is not 100% compatible with the Arduiuno IDE.
Today I successfully compiled , uploaded and ran the "Analog Read Serial" sketch using version 1.6.12 of the Arduino IDE. Next I successfully compiled, uploaded and ran the "Analog Read Serial" sketch using version 1.6.13 Hourly Build of the Arduino IDE. The difference in performance comes from using a Windows Installer to install version 1.6.12 of the IDE and the serial port driver. Whereas with version 1.6.13 Hourly Build there is no installer. Instead one gets a zip file that needs to be unpacked. Then when a USB cable is connected to a MKR1000 board Windows 10 installs a driver. However, the driver Windows 10 installs is only partially compatible with the Arduino IDE. Today I successfully compiled, uploaded and ran the "Anaalog Read Serial" sketch using version 1,6,13 Hourly Build because the version 1.6.12 driver was still installed.