Count wheel encoders

Hello everybody,
I have a little robot(,92533.0.html) it has two driving wheels and third “lazy” metal ball/wheel. All so it has wheel encoders on each wheel. I want that the robot drives forward one meter then turns 90 degrees left, drives 50cm forward and then turns 90 degrees left, and drives one meter forward, and turns 90 degrees left, drives 50cm forward and stops. And then turn around 180 degrees and the whole route/track back. So the rout will be something like rectangle(1m*0.5m).

When the robot goes straight forward 10cm, left and right wheel encoders counts 20 times. So if distance = 10cm, left and right wheel counter will show = 20;

When I turn the robot 90 degrees, left wheel counter will show = -4; and right wheel counter will show = 4; (Before turning 90degrees left, left and right counters were 0).

To drive the robot I have those loops:

What you think how should look like the code to do this mission?
The first line should be something like this or not?..:
if(left wheel counter <= 200 && right wheel counter <= 200)
but what should come now?..

P.S. I don’t want to use delays.

so im guessing you have the encoders writing changing some "int"s as they turn? if you dont want to do anyting else while using the encoders, just do something like this:

void GoFWD(int ticks)
   RencoderVal = 0; //reset encoder value to 0 so we can count how many ticks we want to move
   while(ticks > RencoderVal)
       //go forward both motors
   //stop motors here

void GoREV(int ticks)
   while(ticks < RencoderVal)
       //go reverse both motors
   //stop motors here

void GoRight(int ticks) //right wheel doesnt move, only left going FWD( which makes robot go right)
   while(ticks > LencoderVal)
       //go FWD left motor
   //stop motor here

now to do both encoders at once...(just fwd and rev)

void Move(int ticks)
  //reset position found booleans
  LposFound = false; //...
  RposFound = false; //...

//750 ticks is no where in my robot, would never want to move that slow, so i must have put in a value in  inches
  if(MoveVal < 750)  //if its less than 750, in inches
    CurrentTicks = ReturnTicks(MoveVal); //convert inches to ticks
  else //greater than 750, in ticks
    CurrentTicks = MoveVal; //set input to ticks

  while(LposFound == false || RposFound == false) //repeat till both are found
    if (LposFound == false) //if left pos is not found
      if(LencVal >= CurrentTicks) //need to go back
        //rev left motor
      else //pos found
        //stop left motor
        LposFound = true; //left pos found

      if(LencVal <= CurrentTicks && LposFound == false) //need to go forward
        //fwd left
      else //pos found
        //stop left motor
        LposFound = true; //left pos found

    if (RposFound == false) //if right pos is not found
      //if enc val is greater than or = to than wanted pos
      if(RencVal >= CurrentTicks) //need to go reverse
        // rev right motor
      else //pos found
        //stop right motor
        RposFound = true; //right pos found

      //if enc val is less than or = to than wanted pos and pos has not already been found
      if(LencVal <= CurrentTicks && RposFound == false)
        //fwd rmotor
      else //pos found
         //stop right motor
        RposFound = true; //right pos found
  } //end of while loop

   //once pos is reached, stop motors

int ReturnTicks(int Inches) // returns a int value
  return (Inches * 11.388); //converts inches to ticks for encoders