Counter back to zero upon closing serial monitor

Hi All,

I have this behaviour in my code which I can not explain.
Please have a look and let me know if this is normal.

int sensePin = 2; 
volatile unsigned int counter = 0;

void detect() // just a varialble to keep track of the number of hits
  counter = counter + 1;

void setup()   
  pinMode(sensePin, INPUT);

void loop()                     
  if (Serial.available() > 0)

I have a switch connected via a pull-up resistor to pin 2.
When I push the switch, the interrupt called 'detect' is triggered and counter is increased with 1.

That seems to work. To check this, I open Serial Monitor which sends me the value of counter every time I enter a character.

At first the value = 0, but that changes every time I push the button.

So far so good.

When I close the serial monitor and reopen it, then counter seems to be reset to 0 !! Why?
Does closing Arduino serial monitor reset the board ??

Any suggestions? Can it be avoided?

Disable the Arduino's autoreset feature.

Many, many thanks.