Hi good day.
Could you help me with my code? Please.
I plan to show how long 5 machines have been on each one.
I am using the Arduino Mega2560.
I should receive 5 signals respectively, depending on the machine that is turned on, it must start counting the specified time, that is if machine 1 is on, it must show me the time that machine has been on on a display, I already have to show the hours and minutes , if it is the signal S1, or S2.
What I want is to show me, for example, how long the machine one has been on, and then if it receives the signal from machine 2, then that it also shows me how long it has been.
But I don't know how to simplify the counter because I don't want to have to start variables for each signal.
#include "SevSeg.h"
SevSeg sevseg; //Instanciamos el object
//Inicia para maquina 1
int hora = 0;
int minuto = 0;
int segundo = 0;
//Inicia para maquina 2
int hora2 = 0;
int minuto2 = 0;
int segundo2 = 0;
unsigned long tiempo1 = 0;
unsigned long tiempo2 = 0;
long actual = 500000;
long actual2 = 500000;
int Paro; // variable para la señal de Paro
int Paro2; // variable para la señal de Paro2
int Reset; // variable para la señal de RESET
void setup()
pinMode(Paro, INPUT);
pinMode(Paro2, INPUT);
pinMode(Reset, INPUT);
//Display 7seg izquierdo hrs min
byte hardwareConfig = N_TRANSISTORS; //Indica que es cátodo común con NPN
byte numDigits = 6;
byte digitPins[] = {13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8}; //transistores
byte segmentPins[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; //ABCDEFG
bool resistorsOnSegments = true; //true indica que resistencia esta en el pin de segmento
bool updateWithDelays = false; //Recomendado
bool leadingZeros = true; //true muestra ceros a izquierda
sevseg.begin(hardwareConfig, numDigits, digitPins, segmentPins, resistorsOnSegments, updateWithDelays, leadingZeros);
void loop()
un_seg (); //void un seg
if ( millis()<1000) {
sevseg.setNumber(actual, 6);
contador(); //void contador
unsigned long mils = millis();
if ((Paro == 1) && (Reset == 0)) //Maquina 1
actual = 510000 + (hora * 100) + (segundo);
sevseg.setNumber(actual, 6);
if ((Paro2 == 1) && (Reset == 0)) //Maquina2
actual2 = 520000 + (hora2 * 100) + (segundo2);
sevseg.setNumber(actual2, 6);
Paro = digitalRead(26);
Paro2 = digitalRead(27);
Reset = digitalRead(28);
void un_seg()
tiempo2 = (millis() / 1000);
if (( tiempo1 != tiempo2 ) && (Paro == 1)) {
tiempo1 = tiempo2;
if (( tiempo1 != tiempo2 ) && (Paro2 == 1)) {
tiempo1 = tiempo2;
void contador() {
//rutina segundos
if (( segundo == 61 ) || ( segundo2 == 61 )) {
segundo = 0;
segundo2 = 0;
if ( ( segundo == 60 ) || ( segundo2 == 60 ) ) {
segundo = 0;
segundo2 = 0;
// Rutina para los minutos
if ((minuto == 61 ) || (minuto2 == 61 )) {
minuto = 0;
minuto2 = 0;
if ( ( minuto == 60 ) || ( minuto2 == 60 )) {
minuto = 0;
minuto2 = 0;
// Rutina para las horas
if (( hora == 25 ) || ( hora2 == 25 )) {
hora = 0;
hora2 = 0;
if ( (hora == 24) || (Reset == 1) || (hora2 == 24) ) {
hora = 0;
minuto = 0;
segundo = 0;
actual = 500000;
hora2 = 0;
minuto2 = 0;
segundo2 = 0;
actual2 = 500000;
I appreciate your help.