
Hello, I have been trying to get a counter which increases by 1, the problem is that it doesnt increase and i get this really strange symbol.

This is part of my code

int a=0;

void setup

void loop
a=a+1;( I have also tried a++;)

I just dont get it, it is always 0, please help

where do you get this symbol?

Im using the serial print, sometimes i get like 1111 it's a really strange thing, i dont know what it is, rigth now, im getting just "0,0,0,0" it just doesnt increases.

I have a kind of long code, is it maybe this?

Im using the serial print, sometimes i get like 1111 it's a really strange thing, i dont know what it is, rigth now, im getting just "0,0,0,0" it just doesnt increases.

I have a kind of long code, is it maybe this?

We can't see your code unless you post it.

the example you gave does nothing to try to help you.


Can you see that?, that's what im gettin :confused:

This is my code

int col[]={2,9};
int col2[]={3,4,5,6,7,8};
int fila[]={10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17};
int a=0;

void setup() // Prog_37_1

for (int i=0;i<=1;i++)
pinMode(col*,OUTPUT); *
_ digitalWrite(col*,HIGH);_
for (int i=0;i<=5;i++)_
_ pinMode(col2,OUTPUT);
for(int t=0;t<=7;t++)

* pinMode(19,INPUT);*
* pinMode(18,INPUT);*
* Serial.begin(9600);*
* }*
void loop()

* int matriz[2][8]; //Creamos la matriz para las dos plataformas*
* int matriz1[5][8]; //Creamos la matriz en donde se movera la pelota*

* for (int t=0;t<8;t++)*
* {*
* matriz[0][t]=0; //Siempre hay que llenarlas con 0, eso significara que ese punto esta apagado*
* matriz[1][t]=0; //Llenando con 0*
* }*

* for (int m=0;m<6;m++)*
* {*
* for (int b=0;b<8;b++)*
* {*
_ matriz1[m]=0; //Llenando con 0_
__ matriz1[m]=0; //Llenando con 0__

** }**
** } **
** int l= (analogRead(19))/147; //Tomamos la medida del potenciometro, esto nos indicara donde se desea poner la plataforma**
** int y= (analogRead(18))/147; //Tomamos la medida del potenciometro, esto nos indicara donde se desea poner la plataforma**

** matriz[0][y]=1; //Asignamos 1 a estos puntos, 1 significara prendido**
** matriz[0][y+1]=1; //Asignamos 1 a estos puntos, 1 significara prendido**
** matriz[1][l]=1; //Asignamos 1 a estos puntos, 1 significara prendido**
** matriz[1][l+1]=1; //Asignamos 1 a estos puntos, 1 significara prendido**

for (int x=0;x<2;x++) //Debido a que no se pueden prender de la forma en que se quieren los leds, lo que se hace es prenderlos y apagarlos de a uno por uno, tan rapido, que parece que todos estuvieran prendidos al tiempo
** for (int y=0;y<8;y++)**
** {**

** if(matriz[x][y]==1) //Se recorre la matriz en busca de 1, es decir leds prendidos**
** { **
** digitalWrite(col[x],LOW); //Se prende el catodo**
** digitalWrite(fila[y],HIGH); //Se prende el anodo**
** delay(1);**
** digitalWrite(col[x],HIGH); //Se apaga el catodo**
** digitalWrite(fila[y],LOW); //Se apaga el anodo**
** } **
** }**

**for (int x=0;x<6;x++) **
** for (int y=0;y<8;y++)**
** {**

** if(matriz1[x][y]==1) //Se recorre la matriz en busca de 1, es decir leds prendidos**
** { **
** digitalWrite(col2[x],LOW); //Se prende el catodo**
** digitalWrite(fila[y],HIGH); //Se prende el anodo**
** delay(1);**
** digitalWrite(col2[x],HIGH); //Se apaga el catodo**
** digitalWrite(fila[y],LOW); //Se apaga el anodo**
** } **
** }**
** }**

At the beggining you can find where I supposed a=0; at the end im trying to increase

Read this thread and edit your post

Thanks bro

Thanks bro

Pay attention! You forgot something:

and edit your post