Hello all! I've been searching around for help as to how to continue my project and figured I might as well ask here.
Basically what I'm doing is using an Arduino MEGA to operate 2 7-Segment LED Displays, a 4-button Key Fob, and a 4-Output RF Receiver (1 pin for each button). The key fob is a Momentary type.
I've attached the code I've written so far for reference because its too long to put into a post.
What I'm looking for help/advice for is what the most efficient way you guys think is to operate the RF Receiver to count up or down on the 7-segments. Right now I'm using Switch / Case statements and thought I would have 1 button on the key fob increment the variable for the Switch and another key decrement the variable.
Should the Switch / Case be outside the loop and only have the RF Receiver inside?
Would a delay be helpful to prevent several inc/dec as the button is pushed?
Any help you guys can provide is greatly appreciated!