Counting arduino

3 analog inputs that will all register +1 independantly onto a 7 segment display. sounds simple but its got me beat. any help?

3 analog inputs that will all register +1 independantly onto a 7 segment display. sounds simple but its got me beat. any help?

You mean you have three inputs and you want the display to show how many are active?

Do you have the display?
Can you make it display a number?
Do you have the external circuits connected?
Can you read whether each input is high or low?

Your description really doesn't make much sense.

Where does the "counting" come in? Are you saying that each time any of the
analog signals goes over some threshold, then you want to increase the count
displayed on the LCD? Or something else entirely different?

Whatever you're trying to say, it sounds like you want to treat the analog
sampling and processing as one procedure, and feed the result of this to
the LCD count-display routine. Duh?????????

I want to have the digit display increase every time one of the analog inputs reaches a threshold of <150 and this count needs to go from 0 to 99. i have all the materials and the digital output to the segment display circuitry is correct (i have played with some count down/up codes) i am using A0,A1, and A2 for the input pins

I want to have the digit display increase every time one of the analog inputs reaches a threshold of <150 and this count needs to go from 0 to 99. i have all the materials and the digital output to the segment display circuitry is correct (i have played with some count down/up codes) i am using A0,A1, and A2 for the input pins

So what code do you have so far?

an analog reading from all 3 sensors where do i go from there?

an analog reading from all 3 sensors where do i go from there?

Well you need variables to store the last read analog values for each of them so that you can detect when it breaches your threshold. You also need a variable that will be incremented when that happens.

an analog reading from all 3 sensors where do i go from there?

How're you going to decide whether a given analog reading should appear on the display - you going to compare the value against a threshold?

I think he means that the count increases by one when any input when any input is greater than 150.

But what if more than one input is >150 at the same time?

Hold the pin numbers in an array, loop through the array reading the value on each pin, if the value exceeds the threshold then increment a counter. At the end of the loop, the counter records how many of those pins were high.

say one of the input thresholds is breached +1 will be added to the digit display if 2 are triggered similtaniously +2 will be added to the cumulative total

say one of the input thresholds is breached +1 will be added to the digit display if 2 are triggered similtaniously +2 will be added to the cumulative total

You're going to have trouble with that "simultaneously" part, given that it takes a while to measure an analog value.

say one of the input thresholds is breached +1 will be added to the digit display if 2 are triggered similtaniously +2 will be added to the cumulative total

So, got it working yet?

negative, i understand how to get the figure(x) to add +1 if one analog input is triggered +2 if 2 analog triggers... so on and so forth but how do i get x converted to the binary needed for the seven segment display?

I've no idea what display you're using. Do you switch each segment individually? If so, it's just a matter of choosing which segments you want lit for each numeric value, and hard-coding that in your sketch.