Counting coil springs passing through a funnel

I'm currently trying to count coil springs that run through a funnel. The coils are produced by a machine and then pass through this funnel. The end of funnel is approximately 5x5cm. I'd like to install a sensor at the exit and count the coil springs that are passing by.

The springs sizes varies a lot. Their length go from 2cm to 30cm. The coil diameter can vary between 0.3cm to 0.7cm and the wire width is smaller than 1mm.

I'd already tried an IR sensor and an inductive sensor. Both of them can detect the springs, but their fiel of view are very narrow and then they miss lot's of springs.

I can't reduce to much of the exit of the funnel because the bigger springs will be locked.

What are some alternatives that I could use it?

This appears to be the same as Count spring coils that are produced by a machine

Furthermore your IP address is the same as the OP of that topic

What is going on here ?


Perhaps the funnel is made of ferric metal and interfering with the sensing.

I belive that the main problem is that the funnel is 5x5cm and the sensor have a limited range or field of view. Of course I could install multiple sensors, but I don't think it's very effective. Was wondering if there is another solution

Is there a possibility of springs passing together at the end of the funnel?

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@eliudkipchorro Please answer my question

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I’d make a ‘catch’ bin to weigh the output, and release the measured springs into the final bulk bin.

Accommodates all possible sizes & weights.

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Please answer @UKHeliBob question and if that post wasn't yours, read it anywayfor good information.
The secret is to sense your coil where it has to be, not where it could be.

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No. Only one at a time

Thank's. I'm currently reading the post

The spring coiling machines I am familiar with feed wire from a spool, coil it then cut it off. Just monitor the cutoff signal.

What are the springs made of?

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Can I expect a reply soon ?

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@eliudkipchorro A moderator and highly respected member of this forum has asked you a question, thrice:

You were reminded by another member

You would be well advised to answer this before proceeding, either in a reply, or in a PM. I, among many, will not participate when a moderator is disrespected.


I think the OP is playing games, I am out! Good Luck!