Where I work, an automatic e-mail is usually sent when a particular task is completed. I'd like to display the number of e-mails received (and thus tasks completed) against our goal for the year.
I figure I can use a Wi-Fi shield and some of the e-mail counting projects that have been done before to display this number on a small LCD screen.
Here's my question, what other information would be cool (or just plain geeky) to display? I could post the rate that the e-mails are received (messages per day), the time of the last e-mail received, etc. The people in my office will freak out and think this is the coolest thing ever, so I want to make it look interesting and impressive. What else could I do?
I was trying to think of a cool display (within my knowledge of how to make it work). I've used 16x2 LCD displays before, and that would be easy. I also thought of a graphical display, which would give me more room for text, but the learning curve is much higher.
I work with a bunch of engineers, so something out of the ordinary would be more impressive.
I also thought of having a row of LEDs around the outside of the display to make it look like "fireworks" in the sense that they'd go off when a task was done.