Hello everyone!
First of all i need to say that i'm new in this.
So i bought a Mega 2560 and i'm working on a project that involve 2 thermocouples and i have to start a counting when thermocouple 1 hits 40 degres Celsius and stop the counting when thermocouple hits the same temperature. The counted time has to be reserved in a variable and used later in a formula. I have no ideea how to do this. I've managed to read the values of those 2 thermocouple with the following code:
When the first thermocouple (TC) hits 40, record the value of millis() in a variable. When the 2nd TC hits 40, subtract the value of the recorded millis() variable from the current value of millis().
The beginner's guide to millis() tutorial may help.
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unsigned long StartTime = 0;
unsigned long ElapsedTime = 0;
void loop()
if (StartTime == 0 && Temperature1() >= 40.0)
StartTime = millis();
if (ElapsedTime == 0 && Temperature2() >= 40.0)
ElapsedTime = millis() - StartTime;
// Now, if ElapsedTime != 0 it it the number of milliseconds between
// the first temperature hitting 40 and the second temperature hitting 40