byte Counts;
int Counts1;
volatile unsigned long timing;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (millis() > timing + 500){
Counts = TCNT1 ;
Serial.println((unsigned int)Counts);
timing = millis();
the input pin is D5 and it has a floating wire on it so it is counting randomly
the output is a series of numbers that never goes above 250
am i right to assume the counter has overflowed - how do I know if it has overflowed and how many times it has done so
You haven't been playing with the counter, its still set up to drive 8-bit PWM on pins 9 and 10,
so its counting at 250kHz continuously (prescaler set to divide-by-64).
You have to configure the counter to the relevant counter mode first, and then you'll get
the benefit of it actually reading the T1 pin and counting modulo 2^16.
basically i have been using interrupts on the arduino to count a digital pulse
the interrupt increases a variable every time and i can count the number of pulses
the AVR counters do seem a more suited approach and will not affect the main loop or cause it to be 'interrupted'
it appears this subject is not really arduino related but more AVR specific
what i really need to learn is how to set up the arduino so it can use the counters and then how to read them and also how to know if it has overflowed
what i really need to learn is how to set up the arduino so it can use the counters and then how to read them and also how to know if it has overflowed
what do all the codes like 'TCCR2A = bit (WGM21) ;' mean
is there a beginners reference for this information ?
"Yes absolutely, if you start messing with the timers then other things may stop working. For example, if you hijack the timer 0 overflow interrupt then millis and delay will no longer work. "
if i just want to count the pulses from a 5v digital input on timer one - will everything still work ok ?
i have some code that is counting pulses and overflows on pin 5
byte Counts;
int Counts1;
volatile unsigned long timing;
unsigned long overflowCount;
++overflowCount; // count number of Counter1 overflows
} // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("Counter program");
//TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1);
TCCR1A = bit (WGM21); // set to ctc
TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1); // interrupt on Timer 1 overflow
//TIMSK2 = bit (OCIE2A); // set interrupt
//OCR2A = 124; // count up to 125 (zero relative!!!!)
TCCR1B = bit (CS10) | bit (CS11) | bit (CS12); // External clock source on T1 pin (D5). Clock on rising edge.
LEDPIN = 13;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (millis() > timing + 500){
Counts1 = TCNT1 ;
Serial.print((unsigned int)overflowCount);
Serial.println((unsigned int)Counts1);
timing = millis();
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, !digitalRead(LEDPIN));
what is interesting is that the counter seems to count up to approx 500 and then down again before an overflow
its been hard to get my head round all these bits and codes that do not really mean anything
I guess its a part of arduino that needs a library
I guess its a part of arduino that needs a library
The trouble with libraries is (useful though they often are) something like counters can be used in many ways. You can count pulses, you can time things, you can do PWM output, you can use interrupts, or not, you can use the Input Capture Unit.
If someone wrote a library that handled all that, you would spend as much time working out how to use the library, as you would simply working out how to use the timer in the first place, from the datasheet.
byte Counts;
int Counts1;
volatile unsigned long timing;
unsigned long overflowCount;
++overflowCount; // count number of Counter1 overflows
} // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
//TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1);
TCCR1A = bit (WGM21); // set to ctc
TIMSK1 = bit (TOIE1); // interrupt on Timer 1 overflow
//TIMSK2 = bit (OCIE2A); // set interrupt
//OCR2A = 124; // count up to 125 (zero relative!!!!)
TCCR1B = bit (CS10) | bit (CS11) | bit (CS12); // External clock source on T1 pin (D5). Clock on rising edge.
LEDPIN = 13;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (millis() > timing + 500){
Counts1 = TCNT1 ;
Serial.print((unsigned int)overflowCount);
Serial.println((unsigned int)Counts1);
timing = millis();
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, !digitalRead(LEDPIN));
The counter will be better for high frequencies. Using an interrupt has an overhead of 4 to 5 µS, whereas the hardware counter can count up to the clock speed.