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The Russians don't have a very good track record (no pun intended) in drugs testing.

The Russians don't have a very good track record (no pun intended) in drugs testing.

I thought the problem was that their drugs were very effective :slight_smile:

Mr. Putin looks as if he would have preferred if his daughter had not taken the vaccine :slight_smile:


I thought the problem was that their drugs were very effective :slight_smile:

It's a problem when they send their ecclesiastical / architectural tourism testers to test them on non-volunteer guinea pigs.

I had imagined that Reply #3 referred to athletic drugs - seems I was wrong.


Beware the umbrella !

Beware the umbrella !

That was the Bulgarians.
(I've seen the pellet - remarkable engineering, shameful application)

That was the Bulgarians.

So they say...

Oh and fast food joints too avoid them...

Mr. Putin looks as if he would have preferred if his daughter had not taken the vaccine :slight_smile:

Lol yeah

Watch out for Russian tourists looking at CATHEDRALS.

I did hear somebody with a background in virus/vaccines saying that Russia had been involved in vaccine development before and so the claims should not be dismissed out of hand. They also said that that they would like to see more details of testing.

Sorry but I cannot provide references.

At the moment I believe there are over 130 vaccines in various states of development though really it seems unlikely that, even if they work, any will be widely available within a year

Other info suggests that the virus is not particularly seasonal and that now it is so widespread it may just be here for good.

The death v recovery rate seems to be around 5% but improving.

Heard is is too be taken rectally...

The death v recovery rate seems to be around 5% but improving.

From what I have read / heard there seem to be a very large number of people who get the bug without showing any symptoms so I suspect your 5% is grossly pessimistic.


From what I have read / heard there seem to be a very large number of people who get the bug without showing any symptoms so I suspect your 5% is grossly pessimistic.


And your basis for saying a large number of people have had the disease without symptoms is?
Unless large numbers of people without symptoms have been tested there is no basis for such a statement.
So far testing has concentrated on people with symptoms.

In fact there is increasing evidence that people who thought they might have mild or asymptomatic Covid are having strokes some time later;

Harking back to the 1918 flu it was five years afterwords that it was realised that some 5 million young people, who had brushed the flu off, were suffering from Parkinsons which normally only affects old people.

Returning to the 5%. It does relate to people who have been tested and have been sufficiently ill to require treatment.
Of 14,556,567 cases for which there has been an outcome 750,082 have died that is roughly 5%.

That figure though does not tell you what the outcome of those who did not die actually was. A person who did not die may have left hospital in a fit state or they may have had amuptations, a stroke, renal failure or permanent lung damage. The burden on society of looking after people who are not killed by but are permanently affected by this disease could be huge.

This is a disease worth avoiding until its true consequences are known.


And your basis for saying a large number of people have had the disease without symptoms is?
Unless large numbers of people without symptoms have been tested there is no basis for such a statement.
So far testing has concentrated on people with symptoms.

Not necessarily, the second a seat of infection has be identified, if you are associated with that location/person(s) you get tested.
Well in Australia anyway.

Sorry I'm not USA bashing but come on guys get serious, this thing kills people, from all ethnic backgrounds / LGBTetc/young/old/healthy/infirmed/disabled.
Unfortunately every country has its "Karens", self centered and misinformed attention seekers.

But why do "some" of your countrymen keep quoting "We have the right etc etc .." to avoid taking basic precautions with PPE and common sense?
It only takes "some" people to cause another area of COVID outbreak to occur.

Everytime I hear "We have the right .." OR "I have the right.." I'm glad I live well away and have a lot of water between us and everybody else.

Australia has it faults, Ruby Princess for example, but we don't go around proclaiming our rights like a chicken with it head cutoff.

In fact a demonstration that is supposed to happen this weekend, went to court to challenge the shutdown legislation instead of hitting the media with emotive and misinformed bu&*(1st.

So if any of you want to move here, you are welcome, BUT you will have to go through self-funded 14day isolation when you land.
We have lots of land in our backyard for you to try and make a living on too.
We have a delightful area called Maralinga, open spaces, our indigenous and proper residents of this land own it, after we handed it back to them.
Sorry you can't live there the we just replaced the batteries in the Geiger counter, doesn't sound good.


I need a coffee.
Yes I love [ ] brackets.. :slight_smile:

And your basis for saying a large number of people have had the disease without symptoms is?
Unless large numbers of people without symptoms have been tested there is no basis for such a statement.
So far testing has concentrated on people with symptoms.

The testing system has been cr*p - it seems it is neither sufficient to gather proper statistics or to ensure that people who test positive are isolated from the vulnerable.

I just don't share your pessimistic view.

But supposing you are correct, what can be done about it? Are we to continue with these restrictions for the next 10 years with everyone fearful that they might contract the disease and die?

I don't want to live the rest of my life with those restrictions. If I contract the disease and it kills me I won't know and I won't care.


The testing system has been cr*p - it seems it is neither sufficient to gather proper statistics or to ensure that people who test positive are isolated from the vulnerable.

I just don't share your pessimistic view.

But supposing you are correct, what can be done about it? Are we to continue with these restrictions for the next 10 years with everyone fearful that they might contract the disease and die?

I don't want to live the rest of my life with those restrictions. If I contract the disease and it kills me I won't know and I won't care.


So let's say Elon amages to get to Mars and it actually is a return trip. Guess what they accidentally bring back a virus or bactrium that thives on Earth and infects humans. What would your response be?

Hey what the heck if I get I get it, it is only going to kill (as far as we know) 1% of those infected, it seems like the other 99% of those infected don't do too badly ( yea some are are basket cases, but that's life). Obviously (???) that is as bad is it gets so lets not just let the Grim Reaper do his job.

My point is that that the current situation is really no different. For humans this is an alien virus. We do not know what it currently can do or will do in the future. If you are confident that the disease will extinguish itself then everybody can rest easy, but with Covid we now know that is not going to happen.

I am not being a pessimist. This has been predicted for decades. In most Western countries this has been the highest risk factor for many years, but we did not really prepare. Historically the downfall of Greek civilisation can perhaps be pinned on disease. The only thing I am thankful for is that, at least for now, Covid is relatively benign.