CP2102N to program ESP32

I was wondering if anyone has any experience laying out a custom designed ESP32-based PCB?

I am trying to design a board similar to the TTGO, but with some additional sensors and connector to plug into it.

I decided to use the CP2102N USB-to-UART bridge, and it is connecting to GPIO pins 1,3,19 and 22. I have put a 470ohm resistor on lines the RX/TX lines. The RTS/CTS lines are direct, no resistors.

I have no idea HOW the TTGO gets programmed from the Arduino IDE, just that it works when the USB is connected, using the ESP32 Dev Module project settings. I am hoping this project setting is compatible when I get my custom boards printed, so that I don't have to do anything special on the Arduino side, to upload my programs to the new boards.

I really have no idea what USB-UART bridge the TTGO uses, it might not be the CP2102N. From my reading, this appears to be the 'recommended' bridge to be using, either way, but if you think this might add complications when re-programming, I am open to other bridge suggestions.

ANY advice/assistance appreciated.
