CR2032 in a DS3231 == BOOM?

It's my first dip into the DS3231 pool and I've read informal comments from both sides of the tracks: "3v non-rechargeable coins are fine to use"...and..."don't use a 3v non-rechargeable because the 5v charging circuit will cause them to", at the very least, "swell".
Do any seasoned users have a facts-based opinion on what the best course of action here is?

  1. remove the diode
  2. profit.

Sure, if you buy from good sellers then you have no problem.
If you really want the cheapest DS3231 module, then the rechargeable battery gets overcharged when the module is powered with 5V.
Remove the diode and use a normal battery or use a 5V supercap instead of a battery.

Reports have been posted about batteries flying across the room, as a result of the idiotic charging circuit in the Chinese DS3231 modules, but who knows what you can believe on the web?

My professional advice is to disable the charging circuit, as it makes no sense at all. High quality nonrechargeable CR2032 cells last for 5-10 YEARS in that circuit.

There is one in every PC. How often have you had to replace the battery?

I'll plan on yanking the diode & leave it at that. Thanks to all for the quick input.

@kolaha said:

remove the diode

If you are not into unsoldering the small SMD diode you can remove it with a needle nose pliers. It not very "classy" but doable and likely less damage than if you don't have a small enough soldering iron. Actually two small soldering irons makes it really easy to remove an SMD part.

the diode has glass body. break it and check that no connection. but the profit will halved.

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