Create MQTT function with (PubSubClient)

I wanted to create a function.cpp/ function.h where I put the functions connectWiFi, clientCallback, reconnectMQTTClient, createMQTTClient.

I have problems with the last two. I don't know how to specify the input argument PubSubClient.
I declare PubSubClient in main.cpp as:

WiFiClient testclient;
PubSubClient client(testclient);

PubSubClient uses a Class inside Class, but I don't know how to use it as input argument.

My reconnectMQTTClient function:

void reconnectMQTTClient( **????PubSubClient argument????** , std::string CLIENT_NAME, std::string SERVER_COMMAND_TOPIC)

    while (!client.connected())
        Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");

        if (client.connect(CLIENT_NAME.c_str()))
            Serial.print("Retying in 5 seconds - failed, rc=");


If everything is main.cpp, no problem. Maybe somebody already tried that and could help.

Pass everything by reference (add a & after the type) so that you use the very same instance and not a copy. Same goes for the Strings if you want to save memory

So possibly something like

void reconnectMQTTClient(PubSubClient & psClient , std::string & CLIENT_NAME, std::string  & SERVER_COMMAND_TOPIC)

And you call it with
reconnectMQTTClient (client,…)

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Thank you so much. @J-M-L

I was stuck, I thought I already tried that.

Passing as reference, I have to read more about that.

have fun!

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