Creating a 3D image

Hello all,

I guess you can call me a beginner, as far as not knowing much about microcontrollers; and programming with them. I was in computer science, and programming for years, choosing to major in Geology.

I ordered several lidar lite devices that we want to use to take and make 3D models of different areas. Unfortunately these devices aren't preprogrammed to do that, thus I have to program them. Once I get them to record the image, and than hopefully get it to save it as an LAS format I can use ARCGIS to enhance, and play with the data.

What I'm looking for is help as far as programming, I don't know a lot about C++, going through with what I would do, what to do. Basically guidance. There is someone I reached out to who has somewhat started what I want to do. Link

Basically what I need to do

Get the device to show a 3D image on my computer
Once a 3D image is shown, have it save to my computer as an LAS format
Insert that image into ARCGIS "play" with it
Using Python have image automatically taken, imported to ARCGIS "played" with and exported as a map. This is easier for me to do.

Thoughts, Help, Suggestions? If you want to help, please let me know.

Kevin S. Chambers

Well now I just released it only sends out one data point, so I've got to figure out a way to get it to send out multiple images.

The makers don't have sample code or a SDK for the unit ?

google: PulsedLight ยท GitHub

Here and here didn't help either?