Ok, so this is quite possibly a bit too much. But I really want to create a good looking UI for my latest project: a measurement tool for pH and temperatur for a hobbyist laboratorium.
I got everything practical to work beautifully, and I''ve started on the UI design.
I'm using an Arduino Due connected via a shield to a SD1963 7" TFT display, running with the UTFT libraries.
I want to make a nice looking meter made out of small circles forming a larger circle, which is easy enough in my design programs (see attached image). I want these circles to gradually become lighter towards the red part as the temperature rises. That means they have to be drawn individually.
I can figure out how to do the gradual drawing and the colour change, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do the math to get the circles to form the outline of the largercircle. I'm not good enough at math.
The UTFT library allows me to draw circles with the function
myGLCD.fillCircle(*x starting point, y starting point, radius*)
So I basically just need to draw these 52 little circles with the right x and y offset to get them to form a circle.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to calculate that?