Hello, I plan on attaching a transparent oled display to a pair of glasses of mine so I can display information I want onto said glasses using the OLED display and an Arduino Nano 33 blue. is this project possible using just these two things and my phone? I am using the Fermion 1.51 inch transparent OLED, and a Google pixel 6. if it's not possible, what else would I need. otherwise, any tips on how to connect the OLED display and the Arduino would be greatly appreciated as I am new to this.
I might use the Arduino nano 33 blue sense instead of possible due to the ML possibilities.
Do you have this done so you can begin testing to find which combination is best?
not at the moment as I am unsure if this combination of items even work together. After some more research I plan on buying both the Arduino Nano 33 ble sense and the OLED display.
A long way to go before thinking of a heads-up display on eye glasses.
An Arduino can certainly drive an OLED display - there are loads of examples.
Is there any significant difference between driving a "transparent" OLED display and a "normal" one?
Did you mean Arduino Nano 33 BLE ?
As the name suggests, it has BLE - so could certainly connect to a phone via BLE to receive data to display.
As to whether simply sticking a transparent display to a pair of standard spectacles will work as desired - that's a whole different question ...
If the OLED is just in front of the glasses so you are looking through it, it will be out of focus so anything you display will just be a blur surely?
They both have the same processor - so the ML capabilities are the same.
Not for this one, at least - it's exactly the same as a "normal" one:
However, the image shows that you'd need to be very careful that what you displayed didn't obstruct the view!
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