Creating an electronic ticker tape with LED strips?

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to create an electronic stock ticker tape for my office (as shown above) using LED strip lights and controlled by an Arduino.

It obviously won't be as complex since I'm using LED strip lights. I figure I need at least 5 strips (the smallest characters that are still visible are 5x5 pixels). Not really looking for any software guidance right now, But I wanted to know if this is really the best way to approach this? I know the LEDs on strip lights are kind of far apart so would I even get a readable result?

I'd appreciate any feedback or guidance.


Start with some Adafruit modules.

You will however require something more sophisticated than a UNO or Nano.

Welcome to the forum.

Google max7219 led controller arduino ticker tape

This may help;

Tom... :slight_smile:

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