need to see if this can be done. Want to monitor (display) multiple analog inputs with bar graphs. I have seen many examples using LED for grafts but think that would use to many digital ports in this case. Have read some articles about connecting android device with Bluetooth to display data in graft form.
Found below link that looks interesting but uses the web. Really good-looking graphs but would prefer to stay with Bluetooth or with cable between Arduino and Android.
Any thoughts or input?
Depends on specifics. Just a graph or a graph on webpage?
Serial output directly into NodeRED - Arduino for STM32 (
Doing your own-thing is pretty easy, too.
Code for above ILI9341 barometric graph:
void StoreHistory ( void ) { // Creates a boxed border using lines 0 & 1
int n; // avoid compiler complaints in for(;;) loop
// array [0] is reserved for newest value // Therefore [80] = [79], [79] = [78],..., [1]==[0] after shift
for (n = 80; n > 0; n--) // shift history array to the right, oldest value [80] is lost
pHistory[n] = pHistory[(n - 1)]; // shift data right, oldest value lost, [1] becomes [0] the current value
pHistory[0] = M; // save current "adjusted" pressure hPa [0]
void displayCurrent( void ) {
int temp1, temp2; // working vars for type conversion
lcd.setTextSize(3); // Print hPa and inHg legends and readings in large font
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("hPa inHg temp");
lcd.setCursor(0, 35); lcd.print( M );
if ( M < 1000 ) {
lcd.print(" ");
} else {
lcd.print(" ");
temp1 = inHg / 10; // Integer component
temp2 = ((inHg / 10) - (float) temp1 ) * 100; // 2 decimal places
lcd.print(temp1); lcd.print(".");
lcd.setCursor(235, 35);
lcd.print( temperature, 0 );
if (Fahrenheit) {
lcd.print(" F");
} else {
lcd.print(" C");
void displayHistory( void ) {
long M;
long minimum = 1040L;
long maximum = 985L;
uint8_t h, z;
uint16_t x, y;
z = 0; // z will span 0 to 319, full screen landscape width in pixels
for ( x = 1; x < 240; x++ ) // 80 elements @1 element per 18 minutes = 10 elements per 3 hours
if ( x % 3 == 0 ) { // this provides for skipping every 3th position for bar spacing
} else if (pHistory[z] != 0) { // array is initially init to zero value, no need to plot this
if (pHistory[z] < minimum) minimum = pHistory[z]; // capture the lowest 24 hour pressure reading
if (pHistory[z] > maximum) maximum = pHistory[z]; // capture the highest 24 hour pressure reading
h = (pHistory[z] - 985) * 2; // h is for height and x2 is for scaling factor
y = 200 - h; // Adafruit's GFX y coordinates plots upside down, flip reference
lcd.drawFastVLine(x, y, h, ILI9341_WHITE); // 2 bars are drawn per array element and 1 blank space for separation
y = 200 - ((minimum - 985) * 2);
for (x = y ; x < 200; x++) { // Alternate display mode
lcd.drawFastHLine(1, x, 245, ILI9341_BLACK);
// drawFastHLine(uin86_t x0, uin86_t y0, uint8_t length, uint16_t color);
lcd.drawFastHLine(1, y, 245, ILI9341_WHITE); // draw baseline 24 hour lowest reading
y = 200 - ((maximum - 985) * 2);
lcd.drawFastHLine(239, y, 6, ILI9341_YELLOW); // draw marker tic 24 hour highest reading
void drawLegends( void )
// Legends and axis for display
// Atlanta: High = 30.79 on 1/6/1924 Low = 29.08 on 1/11/1918
// 2X scaling: 1040 - 1026 = 14 x 2 = 28 pixels
lcd.setCursor(240, 84); lcd.print("_ 1040= 30.71"); // setup Y legends
lcd.setCursor(240, 112); lcd.print("_ 1026= 30.30");
lcd.setCursor(240, 140); lcd.print("_ 1012= 29.88");
lcd.setCursor(240, 168); lcd.print("_ 998= 29.47");
lcd.setCursor(240, 194); lcd.print("_ 985= 29.09");
// tiny fonts for timeline legend @53 char/line (6px/char)
lcd.setCursor(0, 205); lcd.print("N ^ ^ ^ ^ Historical ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 213); lcd.print("O 1 2 3 4 Timeline ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 221); lcd.print("W 2 4 6 8 In Hours ");
lcd.drawFastVLine(0, 88, 112, ILI9341_RED); // setup Y axis
lcd.drawFastHLine(0, 200, 238, ILI9341_RED); // setup X axis
lcd.drawFastHLine(0, 201, 238, ILI9341_RED); // setup X axis double-width X axis for emphasis
Thanks for the reply. So quick!
Don't need a web page. Was thinking of using old android Tablet for display. Either Bluetooth or cable. need to look up Nodered ?
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