I have the above ckt to drive the Buzzer. I am using Arduino Uno of coding.
my application demand above waveform to drive. Can someone suggest me how it can be done .
If PWM signal used
Ontime: 1Ms
off time: 500Us
How can i generate 10us of on/off pulses only in on time.
What buzzer do you have?
Does it buzz if you connect it to 5V DC?
i have 12 V Buzzer .
currently using below ckt to drive. Yes if 12v is given it will be continuous on.
Initially i have tried turn on using simple digital pin with 50% duty cycle . 0.5s on and 0.5s off.
After doing few more iteration buzzer sound deviated from original sound . i am using buzzer for indication purpose. when any fault is there turn on else it will be off. Buzzer will be not continuous
- i would like know is recommended ckt for these application.
2)I have checked fresh buzzer when it started there is no ripple & after few cycle it distorted more.
- after checking few forum , they recommend to use PWM signal . so i am trying on it.

Buzzer_datasheet.pdf (482 KB)