Creating Reactive Array of RGB Color LED Strips driven by Color Sensor

Hello All,

I’m just doing some research scoping out the best approach to a project I would like to undertake. I hope it should be relatively simple, but would appreciate some general guidance with regards to recommended specification of parts (and if it is actually practical).

What I want to achieve_
_ I would like to create the effect of an extremely low resolution ‘mirror’ (not literally);
_ There should be an input (eg. colour sensor) which reads the colours in front of it
_ The Arduino processes the colours
_ An LED strip with super low res glows in similar mapped colour range
_ ie. if you stand in front of the device wearing a purple shirt the leds glow purple

_ I am aware that this would not be so literal, and slightly more abstract
_ I am quite happy for the ‘colour sensing’ not to be clean and include some ‘noise’

Possible Approach_
_ I have been looking at the TCS230 / TCS3200 sensor modules with various projects online
_ ... however, I understand these have a relatively short distance range of reading
_ I wonder if anybody has any suggestion of a colour sensor could read ~1m distance
_ Alternatively, I wondered if I could use a camera, and sample an average pixel colour across a grid and send those average colour values to the LED to reproduce (though I assume that would be very complex)

Any thoughts or suggestions on this project would be greatly appreciated - whether from your own experience or recommended reading I could look at.
