Hi all,
It's my second discussion of how to create a smaller version of this sculpture :
I found an old thread in this forum, but looks like no one ever got it done :
I've thought about ways to to do it but don't have enough experience, so I need your guidance.
I'd be happy to even discuss an eventual "pay for the job".
Solutions I've considered:
48 cheap stepper motors with 3D printed pulleys, fishing lines and small spheres.
Problem: How do I control 48 steppers, not enough pins. Use multiple Mega's as master and slave ? -
Small Dc motors. Make all motors go to the top, hit an end stop switch (wired in series), then
create the patterns using millies in the software. This way I think I won't have to deal with positions.
Problem: How do I control 48 DC motors ? What exactly do I need ? How to control
speed and direction ? -
Use 48 Continuous rotation servos (costly). Can I use PCA9685 with continuous rotation servos ?
Speed and direction control ? -
Modify cheap 180° servos, daisy chain 3 PCA9685 ? Speed and direction control ?
Please bear with me if I sound naif and let me thank you in advance for your help.