Creating variant for using UNO R4 WiFi in USB bridge bypass mode

Here's how to reload the bootloader and the bridge code in case we bork that later.

:floppy_disk: bootloaders/UNO_R4

Compiled with

git clone GitHub - arduino/arduino-renesas-bootloader: A tinyusb based project implementing the bootloader for Uno R4 and Portenta C33 git clone GitHub - hathach/tinyusb: An open source cross-platform USB stack for embedded system cd tinyusb # This step is temporary patch -p1 < ../arduino-renesas-bootloader/0001-fix-arduino-bootloaders.patch python tools/ ra cd .. cd arduino-renesas-bootloader TINYUSB_ROOT=$PWD/../tinyusb make -f Makefile.minima # TINYUSB_ROOT=$PWD/../tinyusb make -f Makefile.wifi

:rescue_worker_helmet: How to update ESP32-S3 firmware

Prerequisite: install esp-idf v5.0.0 (or newer) and run

. $esp-idf-path/

cd extras/uno-r4-wifi-usb-bridge

Restart the board in ESP download mode by shorting ESP_DOWNLOAD with GND, then power via USB The board will restart as Espressif USB JTAG/serial debug unit Then run -p $portname flash

:rocket: How to load bootloader (UNO R4 WIFi)

Once the bridge is up and running, it will respond to two peculiar baud rates:

  • 1200bps: triggers the bootloader mode for RA4 chip
  • 2400bps: triggers ROM DFU mode

So, to reflash the bootloader, change the port baud to 2400

stty -F $portname 2400

Then flash the bootloader with rfp-cli

rfp-cli -device ra -port $portname -p dfu_wifi.hex

:rocket: How to load bootloader (UNO R4 Minima)

Reboot the board with BOOT shorted to GND The board will enumerate as Renesas RA USB Boot

Then flash the bootloader with rfp-cli

rfp-cli -device ra -port $portname -p dfu_minima.hex
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