C'est peut être hors sujet, mais je voudrais faire le circuit imprimé pour une carte esp32 et un écran TFT.
Je fais le choix de le faire avec une cnc et écrit en gcode.
J'ai fais 3 gcode representant le typon du circuit.
Ma problématique est je voudrais les assembler pour en faire un seul fichier,
Étonnant comme démarche, mais pourquoi pas. Tes fichiers ont été générés par quel logiciel ?
Quel post-processeur pour la CNC ?
Si tu donnes un peu plus d'informations, on va essayer de voir plus clair
J'ai écrit les trois gcodes avec inkscape.
La CNC fonctionne avec mach3
Elle vient de chine comme on en voit sur Aliexpress.
J'ai un code pour graver les pistes.
Un pour faire les trous où souder les composants.
Et un pour découper le contour.
Assembler ces 3 gcodes permettrait d'avoir moins de surveillance de l'avancement de la CNC.
Sur inkscape je ne sais pas comment avoir différentes profondeur, ni mettre la découpe en dernier, même avec les calques.
Le gcode est un fichier texte.
Merci à ceux qui m'aideront.
Bonsoir Lapino
Pourquoi fusionner ces 3 fichiers?
De toute façon se serait mettre les données des 3 fichiers, l'un après l'autre.
Comme entre chacune des 3 opérations tu dois changer d'outil, cette fusion n'as pas d'intérêt.
+1 avec @jpbbricole
Sache @jpbricole, j'ai de l'admiration pour tes recherches en arduino sur les moteurs pas à pas.
Cependant c'est vrai que la fraise n'est pas forcément de la taille des trous des composants, pour cela, faudra je fasse des essais.
Mais il m'est nécessaire d'associer les Gcodes, et je pense c'est vraiment possible en les éditant sur bloc note, pour cette application là et pour d'autres, pour des motifs personnels de gain de temps.
Je vous donne un exemple de gcode j'ai fais à l'instant, il decoupe des rectangles sur du bois :
(Generated by gcodetools from Inkscape.)
(Using default header. To add your own header create file "header" in the output dir.)
(Header end.)
G21 (All units in mm)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-1)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-413)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-83)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-96)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-56)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-18)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-80)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-2)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-17)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y1.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y18.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y1.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y18.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y18.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y1.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y18.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-64)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X89.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X94.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X94.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X89.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-35)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X81.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X86.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X86.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X81.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-5)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X73.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X78.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X78.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X73.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-85)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X65.025932 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X70.974062 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X70.974062 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X65.025932 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-6)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X57.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X62.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X62.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X57.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-78)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X49.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X54.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X54.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X49.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-8)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X41.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X46.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X46.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X41.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-4)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X33.025936 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X38.974066 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X38.974066 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X33.025936 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-7)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X25.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X30.974064 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X30.974064 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X25.025934 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-3)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X17.025934 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X22.974064 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X22.974064 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X17.025934 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-41)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X9.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X14.974065 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X14.974065 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X9.025935 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-9)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-1.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y21.025930 Z-1.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y38.974060 Z-1.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-2.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y21.025930 Z-2.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y38.974060 Z-2.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Start cutting path id: rect10-89)
(Change tool to Cone cutter)
G00 Z5.000000
G00 X1.025935 Y38.974060
G01 Z-3.000000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X6.974065 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000 F400.000000
G01 X6.974065 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y21.025930 Z-3.000000
G01 X1.025935 Y38.974060 Z-3.000000
G00 Z5.000000
(End cutting path id: rect10-89)
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000
(Using default footer. To add your own footer create file "footer" in the output dir.)
il me semble qu'il suffit de modifier la fin et le début de chaque gcode associé pour les assembler, mais je ne voudrais pas faire de sottises à casser la cnc.
Et est il possible de faire les découpes et les trous en une fois en supprimant les lignes inutiles, car à 3mm de profondeurs cela devrais aller.
Merci de vos conseils sur le forum !
Bonjour Lapino
J'ai fait des essais, c'est possible de chaîner les fichiers issus de Inkscape, en mettant leur contenu l'un à la suite de l'autre, mais en ne gardant qu'un Header et qu'un Footer mis à chaque bout du fichier.
(Generated by gcodetools from Inkscape.)
(Using default header. To add your own header create file "header" in the output dir.)
(Header end.)
pistes (sans hf)
perçage (sans hf)
Contour (sans hf)
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000
(Using default footer. To add your own footer create file "footer" in the output dir.)
Je n'ai pas essayé "en vrai" mais fait une simulation dans CAMotics.
Tu peux aussi essayer "en vrai" en ôtant la fraise te ta machine.
Eventuellement donnes tes 3 fichiers pour faire une simulation complète.
Merci beaucoup @jpbbricole.
Je vais faire des essais sans la fraise comme tu m'as conseillé.
À bientôt !!
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