Cross correlation using arduino nano

Hello, im trying to do a material identification (metal or non metal or none) I'm using it proximity sensor (ESP 32). what I'm trying to achieve is to perform cross correlation so that I can know what type of object it is. Also to be able to output an I/O graph(visualization).

Thanks for telling.
No problem, just use sensors that detect the materials You search.

Im trying to do it with this sensor.

What data will be cross correlated?

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I want to be able to know the difference between the output and reference signal and it should indicate whether this object is a metal or non metal

You first need to decide what data to collect, in order to be able to determine those differences. What is the "reference signal"?

Reference signal is the one sent by the sensor, when its reflected, a metal would reflect it in a way different from that of a non metal. that's my main goal. i don't know about the data part.

If you don't already have the sensor, get one and experiment with it, to understand what sort of data it returns with several test materials.

pretty sure its an obstacle avoidance sensor as mentioned in this video , Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Tutorial for Arduino / ESP32 - YouTube , however Its not my desired application.

The sensor
works by detecting reflected light coming from its own infrared LED. By measuring the
amount of reflected infrared light, it can detect light or dark (lines) or even objects directly in
front of it. An onboard RED LED is used to indicate the presence of an object or detect line.
Sensing range is adjustable with inbuilt variable resistor.

Excellent! Buy one, and test with different materials, to see whether the data will be useful for your purpose.

I already have it but im a beginner so I don't know how to proceed from there. I cant manipulate the "out" signal. if I was , for example, able to compare the received signal with the outputted one, maybe I could have an indication of the type of material. but I don't know how.

If you want to detect metals, use an inductance sensor. I'm sure you can find one for Arduino.

Take an Ohm-Meter, that´s could be more easy.

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