hola hace un tiempo vi un proyecto de un cubo led tiempo despues decidi hacer mi propio cubo pero he encontrado que la mayoría usan la placa de arduino uno o mega to poseo la placa de leonardo encontré un tutorial sobre como armarlo pero cuando cargo el codigo tengo error de compilación no tengo muchos conocimientos de programación necesito de su ayuda el codigo es el siguiente
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // allows use of PROGMEM to store patterns in flash
#define CUBESIZE 4
#define PLANETIME 100 // time each plane is displayed in us -> 100 Hz refresh
#define TIMECONST 20 // multiplies DisplayTime to get ms - why not =100?
// LED Pattern Table in PROGMEM - last column is display time in 100ms units
// TODO this could be a lot more compact but not with binary pattern representation
prog_uchar PROGMEM PatternTable[] = {
//1 //2 //3 //4 //5 //6 //7 //8 //9 //10 //11 //12 //13 //14 //15 //16 //row numbers, very useful
B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,B0000,10,//empty set
//Code goes here, i started you off above
// this is a dummy element for end of table (duration=0) aka !!!DO NOT TOUCH!!!
B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, B0000, 0
** Defining pins in array makes it easier to rearrange how cube is wired
** Adjust numbers here until LEDs flash in order - L to R, T to B
** Note that analog inputs 0-5 are also digital outputs 14-19!
** Pin DigitalOut0 (serial RX) and AnalogIn5 are left open for future apps
int LEDPin[] = {13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 14, 15};
int PlanePin[] = {16, 17, 18, 19};
// initialization
void setup()
int pin; // loop counter
// set up LED pins as output (active HIGH)
for (pin=0; pin<PLANESIZE; pin++) {
pinMode( LEDPin[pin], OUTPUT );
// set up plane pins as outputs (active LOW)
for (pin=0; pin<CUBESIZE; pin++) {
pinMode( PlanePin[pin], OUTPUT );
// display pattern in table until DisplayTime is zero (then repeat)
void loop()
// declare variables
byte PatternBuf[PLANESIZE]; // saves current pattern from PatternTable
int PatternIdx;
byte DisplayTime; // time*100ms to display pattern
unsigned long EndTime;
int plane; // loop counter for cube refresh
int patbufidx; // indexes which byte from pattern buffer
int ledrow; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
int ledcol; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
int ledpin; // counts LEDs in refresh loop
// Initialize PatternIdx to beginning of pattern table
PatternIdx = 0;
// loop over entries in pattern table - while DisplayTime>0
do {
// read pattern from PROGMEM and save in array
memcpy_P( PatternBuf, PatternTable+PatternIdx, PLANESIZE );
PatternIdx += PLANESIZE;
// read DisplayTime from PROGMEM and increment index
DisplayTime = pgm_read_byte_near( PatternTable + PatternIdx++ );
// compute EndTime from current time (ms) and DisplayTime
EndTime = millis() + ((unsigned long) DisplayTime) * TIMECONST;
// loop while DisplayTime>0 and current time < EndTime
while ( millis() < EndTime ) {
patbufidx = 0; // reset index counter to beginning of buffer
// loop over planes
for (plane=0; plane<CUBESIZE; plane++) {
// turn previous plane off
if (plane==0) {
digitalWrite( PlanePin[CUBESIZE-1], HIGH );
} else {
digitalWrite( PlanePin[plane-1], HIGH );
// load current plane pattern data into ports
ledpin = 0;
for (ledrow=0; ledrow<CUBESIZE; ledrow++) {
for (ledcol=0; ledcol<CUBESIZE; ledcol++) {
digitalWrite( LEDPin[ledpin++], PatternBuf[patbufidx] & (1 << ledcol) );
// turn current plane on
digitalWrite( PlanePin[plane], LOW );
// delay PLANETIME us
delayMicroseconds( PLANETIME );
} // for plane
} // while <EndTime
} while (DisplayTime > 0); // read patterns until time=0 which signals end