I am making a cuckoo clock with arduino UNO which takes time from Time.h. It consists of operation of a Motor which moves fwd and backwards using a H Driver. It also operates a Servo in between. I tried to make it work with Sparkfun MP3 Shield to play music tracks during various phases of movement. For the motor I have used pins not being used by the Sparkfun Shield. However, the project behaves un-predictably with while using MP3 Player. I am using SFEMP3Shield.h by bill porter to drive the Sparkfun MP3 Player.
Does anyone have experience in such a project, are there any conflicts, should I use a different timer, or a RTC board. Is there any other method of playing music during various movements. I am attaching the sketch I have used. I would be grateful for any assistance.
CukooClock26Jul.ino (10.1 KB)