if we get a prototype ready the what about the size reduction and unifying all the boards and modules used in design on so as to miniaturise the assembly to be used in ?
do we need some custom PCB for same ?
Maybe... It's the standard way of going from a breadboard to a PC board. I've designed two PC boards. One was a shield that plugs-into an Arduino Uno. I didn't want to duplicate the Arduino circuitry. I've never re-designed an existing PCB.
Also, the boards I made are thru-hole so I didn't have to do any surface mount soldering.
There a few "hobbyist" PCB design applications. I chose Design Spark The free version doesn't have any "artificial" limitations. You do have to register but they don't spam you or anything. I tried KiCad, which is open source but I got frustrated trying to make a custom part by modifying an existing part.
I ordered the (bare) boards from Seeed Studio/Fusion. I got 10 or 15 boards about the size of the Uno for less than $100, including about $30 for DHL shipping from China.
NOTE: Don't expect your boards to come-back perfect the first time. I've worked in electronics for a LONG TIME (not as a PCB designer) and I don't think I've ever seen a "Rev-1" come-out perfect the 1st time. So allow, time and budget for at least one revision.
Both of my board took two tries. I was able to get the 2nd design to work with a couple of cuts & jumps but I didn't like it, so I went-back for Rev-2. I TRIED to be super-careful and double-triple check everything so I was disappointed, but from what I've seen in the industry I can't say I was surprised.
I've also learned from my many years as a hobbyist that "miniaturizing" makes everything harder to work on.
I agree! I owned a contract electronic manufacturing business for 20 years. Don't try to mimiturize using thru-hole components. Get your project to work and then switch to SMT devices and get that to work. SMT is designed to be able to shrink down to the point of it costs too much to build it that small! SMT also lets you do double sided boards, where thru-hole stuff is almost never tried.
Good luck!
I use KiCad and it is great for doing boards. I highly recommend you do not do anything smaller then 0805 to start out with. After you design the board sleep on it for a day or two and go over it again. I use JLPCB as my board supplier. I upload the Gerber file, in a few seconds it shows me a view of my board if the upload was successful and if not tells why.
If you are hand soldering do not go smaller the 1206 unless you have good soldering skills and the needed tools. For me SMT parts cost less.