Current Rating of Arduino Mega - 2560

Currently I am on a project using arduino mega 2560 and I am using a bluetooth module (HC-05), PIR Motion sensor (x2), Ultrasonic sensors hc-sr04 (x2), a 5v 2 channel relay board (x2) and a 5v 4 channel relay board. Can I connect all these to the 5v and the ground pin from the arduino mega ? Will arduino mega will be able to drive all these at the same time ? How much will be the total current drawn by all these components. Please give me suggestions so that I will not ruin my arduino and all the connected equipments.

Thank You in advance

Will arduino mega will be able to drive all these at the same time ?

Maybe. You have NOT given any information about the current requirements for the relay boards, for instance. If the relay is properly driven by an external voltage through a transistor, very little current is needed to trigger the transistor.

The PIR sensor should be externally powered, too. So, it sets a pin HIGH or LOW, meaning that the Arduino expends no power reading it.

The ping sensor requires very little current.

The bluetooth device will consume the most current. How much? Read the specs for YOUR mysterious bluetooth device.

Maybe. You have NOT given any information about the current requirements for the relay boards, for instance. If the relay is properly driven by an external voltage through a transistor, very little current is needed to trigger the transistor.

The PIR sensor should be externally powered, too. So, it sets a pin HIGH or LOW, meaning that the Arduino expends no power reading it.

The ping sensor requires very little current.

The bluetooth device will consume the most current. How much? Read the specs for YOUR mysterious bluetooth device.

Most likely the bluetooth module is HC-05 or HC-06 that has maximum current of 50mA. Usually bluetooth modules stay at that current consumption range.