I am new to using the arduino. I am using the arduino mini pro and I need to program it move my actuators forward and backwards. I build these actuators in a lab and currently we have been using a waveform generator to switch the current direction.
Is there a way i could attach the actuator or a motor to the arduino and move it forward and then backwards? Can i change a pin to input and use that as a ground?
If the current requirement of the actuator is small enough to be driven by output pins, just connect the actuator with two output pins instead of one output pin and ground. Then you can set one to high and the other to low and vice versa. Or you can switch both to low to stop the actuator.
And if you need too much voltage or current for Udo's idea to work, you can use a DC motor driver like the L293, or a couple of opamps wired as comparators, to boost the output.
For the opamp approach, just wire the Arduino output to the + input of 1, and the - input of the other, and your reference voltage to the opposite pins. That gives you one "inverting", and one "non-inverting", output. With a wide voltage swing (depending on their power supply) and as much as 100mA or so of current (depending on which opamp you use).
Thanks for the help! I've gotten my actuator to work with the arduino pins but i would like more current. My actuator will work better with more current. Optimally I need around 200mA or more.
How can i use an opamp to provide more current? Any links to tutorials?
I also am buying a L293 but need to minimize size because what i am building is barely larger than the arduino chip and battery. Will the L293 be small compared to an opamp?