i am interested in creating a device that would be portable and allow for 1d barcode scanning, gps connectvity, and possibly bluetooth connectivity for printing to an external thermal printer (even better would be a very low power lightwight small rs232 thermal printer that could fit inside of the case)
the first thing that came to mind was 'arduino project!' but unfortunately i have been out of the loop on the current state of things so i figured i would solicit some advice
i see there is a nice gps receiver with a small footprint ( ND-100S by USGlobalsat ) and a very small 1d scanner that could potentially work ( the Marson MT700 ).
are there better options i am not aware of? thanks for your time
GPS receivers are pretty mature; TTL serial is standard and there are gobs of them on the market. There are a few boards out there that have an I2C interface which allows you to skip over all of the NMEA data parsing, but in your case it doesn't sound like you'd need that added horsepower. The USB GPS module you have linked would be difficult to deal with.