custom andriod app to control a uno prototype

Hi, I am not a bit slinger but my client has commissioned a group in India to make a custom android app to run this prototype. The core board is a bluno unit ( Bluno_SKU_DFR0267-DFRobot) and right now it is running this program on board. The problem is the people who built the android app (after sending them the attached code) are asking "
what is the exact signal I need to transmit through BT4.0 from the apps.
I need that exact format of the signal." What are they asking for? I got the Uno working but this just amazed that they are unfamiliar with Arduino's! Can you help me out?


COUNTERmK2.ino (9.5 KB)

I don't see any connection between the sketch you attached and any use of Bluetooth. The only input I can see is one analog input used to detect button presses (presumably via a resistor ladder) and some outputs that appear to be driving a segmented display. What has this got to do with any Android app?

thanks for replying, the current code is just to run the prototype off the buttons, the android app was to remotely run the unit from the on board BLE chip: TI CC2540 that comes on the bluno/uno board. The guys in India say they have the android part of the app done but apparently are stumped from there. The object is to run the prototype either way, with the android offering a bunch of pretty graphics and such over the base units 4 buttons and 7 seg display.

In that case you need to work out how the Arduino and Android app are going to locate and identify and communicate with each other, and decide what information needs to be sent in each direction, and design a communication protocol to carry that information, and implement that protocol on each device. You'll also need code to configure and manage the bluetooth device on the Arduino. If the new BT interface implies any changes to the existing button handling (for example, to resolve any conflict between the two command methods) you'll need to make those changes too.

In other words, you need somebody to complete your system design. I can't imagine how anyone could have got as far as commissioning somebody to implement the app without completing and documenting the design.

Well he put out a RFQ for a app on android to comm and control the existing unit, got back a number of quotes from both on and off shore vendors. I build the hardware, make real things work in the real world and only play with adruino's as I have to. If YOU want to quote, send me a PM, who knows.

Either 'he' provided information that you aren't aware of, or he is completely bonkers (and so are the people who accepted the work without a spec). It's simply not possible to understand the functionality of the app, let alone implement it, without knowing how it will communicate with the device it is intended to control. If it truly is your responsibility to give them that information, you need to pass that responsibility back to your system designer immediately.