Hey all,
I've been working on writing a prototype application written in C++ using Visual Studio 2010. My goal is to essentially replicated the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor functionality so I can then reliably design and integrate Serial Communication with a separate application I have. I have been attempting to use using namespace System::IO::Ports;
based off of this tutorial series: Visual Studio 2010 C++ Serial Port Tutorial Part 1 - YouTube.
I am using a Sparkfun Pro Micro 5v. The current code on my Pro Micro is very simple, it just returns Phrase 1 if it receives 'a' and Phrase 2 if it receives 'b'. I have successfully uploaded the code, and verified it functioning correctly via the Serial Monitor, but I am unable to reproduce this in my C++ GUI. I believe that my send is working because the corresponding LED blinks in response but I am unable to read any response from my Pro Micro back. Any insight that you all can provide me is greatly appreciated, unfortunately I am painfully new to working with hardware and don't really know what I my options are here.
Thank You!