I am making a speedo for my kit car with a gps and a paper screen. I want to be able to read the numbers so have made a font of numbers 0 to 9; each 48 x 64 pixels.
Now I need to save the ten images as myfint.cpp. Could be easy BUT the arduino does not know that there are only 10 items in the file, and which character each defines. Other fonts.cpp files I have looked at have the characters defines as byte strings, but are not in ascii order, and at the end there is a reference to the character dimensions after a "table" definition.
I guess that a font list really is an array (but the ones I have opened do not define as array) and if so there should be a file that states how many elements there are in the array, and the things they represent, in order so the Arduino can call them.
Cn anybody help me define and use small font lists of massive characters?
I can't edit an existing font .cpp by inserting my ten characters over the corresponding ones and overwriting the rest of the ascii characters with zeros because that would make the file far too big for the Arduino (3.2KB times 255).
Suggestions welcome.
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