I have designed a custom PCB to host an Arduino Nano. I soldered the Nano in with no Components in place. The upload to the Nano failed. It had worked before I placed it on the board. I did everything I could find on the web to fix this to no avail. I cut all the traces from the Nano to any other component on the board.
Then I started on a new board. Soldering one pin at a time checking to see if I could upload the program after each pin. When I soldered the RXD Pin to the board. It stopped uploading. When I unsoldered the pin uploading worked again.
you might think there is nothing connected there but may be there is a short and it goes to ground or something else... without the PCB layout and a picture of your soldering job, it's hard to tell.
I did run DRCs on the board using the fabrication rules from my PCB supplier. The board did pass the DRCs. But I think your input is a good suggestion. I will reroute the +5V on the revision of this board.
I think i said something about it before, but i use female headers on a PCB and male headers on the Nano. I remove the Nano for the upload.
Regardless, i don't see how if there is no connection through a PCB track, there can be any influence on the UART unless there is some kind of short through the soldering agent.