Hey! So I recently created a custom PCB based around the samd21e18. It works great and I can use a jlink edu mini to successfully upload code to it. However, I would like to use USB. I installed atmel studio 7 and tried using the adafruit UF2 bootloader as well as a couple others but none of them really allowed me to program my board. I then burned the bootloader for the arduino mkr zero bootloader and selected the arduino tua board (similar pinout to mine but uses atsamd21e17) and I was getting really close. The code uploaded successfully and everytime I can see the board as a comport. but the code itself I believe does not get uploaded? There is no serial output even though I do serial.print and stuff. What could be happening?
I also tried using platformio but it didnt work. This is really difficult... I know the board is fine since regardless of what bootloader I used, it could connect to my laptop and I can upload code using a jlink mini. I think the hardwar is fine. I also have an external crystal on the board and a reset button. (double tapping does nothing)
Okay... so I think I got it to work in arduino IDE? Atlest once. how can I get it to work in platformio?
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