I want to assemble three sensors together to work as one device, I need a code for the ph sensor, turbidity sensor and temperature sensor on Arduino Uno board do that all work together properly.
these library that ive downloaded :
as for turbidity i still have no idea
And you want the forum members here to provide you with this code?
Why did you ignore this warning ?
I am will move your topic to a more appropriate forum section.
Please begin to use this forum with more respect.
Welcome to the forum
Please take some time to read this article: "How to get the best out of this forum" - as the name suggests, it will help you to write good questions and, thus, get good answers.
Your question needs a lot more detail in order to be able to help you - remember that we know nothing about you or your project or what parts you have or how you have connected them other than what you tell us in your post.
What pH sensor? What turbidity sensor? What temperature sensor?
Please give links to the actual devices you are using.
Have you searched for tutorials, examples, and other support with those sensors?
Is that a UNO R4 or R3 (or earlier) - they are very different.
If you just want someone to write code for you, there is a specific section for that:
See the "Ready written code" section in the "How to get the best out of this forum" article mentioned earlier.
You can ask a moderator to move the post there, if you want.
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