D1 mini and W5500 ethernet shield? - SOLVED

Hello, I have a wiznet 5500 shield


I figure out the Spi pin out. I also have a D1 mini and saw the Spi pins are

I wired everything up and got the Ethernet shield to power up with no problems I even see activity on it. But not from the D1 mini. I compile the example for the ethernet with no errors. The problem I ran into was I'm not sure if the wiring is correct from the D1 mini to the Ethernet shield. Can anyone confirm if this is correct?

D1 mini pinout Ethernet shield

SCK - GPIO14, D5 D13
Miso - GPIO12, D6 D12
Mosi - GPIO13, D7 D11
SC - GPIO15, D8 D10

Is there anything I'm missing as far as the wiring is going from the micro controller to the Ethernet shield?


io15 is a boot config pin which must be LOW at boot. use other pin for CS (D1 or D2). use Ethernet.init(<pin number>) to set the CS pin.

Is the other pins correct besides the cs pin?

my stack exchange answer says
D5 io14 SPI CLK
D6 io12 SPI MISO
D7 io13 SPI MOSI

D11, D12, D13 is for the Uno sized Wemos D1

EDIT: sorry, you meant D11 to D13 on the Ethernet shield. D11 to D13 are not connected on Arduino Ethernet shield (but maybe are on the Wiznet clone). use the SPI header of the shield and pin 10 for CS

power the shield from the 5 V pin of D1 mini to the 5 V pin of the shield. the io signal level of the shield is 3.3 V so ok for the esp8266

The D1 mini's I have is https://www.amazon.com/MakerFocus-NodeMcu-Development-ESP8266-Compatible/dp/B07KW54YSK

hello I got the pinout but still confused on the CS pin where does it go? I have the small D1 mini not the uno size board.

I have tried the Cs pin Ethernet.init(D1); in the setup before and after the ethernet begins I get nothing from it.

CS pin on the shield is pin 10. on the SPI master side (Wemos D1 mini) you can use any suitable pin and set it to library with the init function before begin of course. begin communicates with the shield is at has to know which pin to use as CS.

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I have tried that. Maybe I looked something over wrong and I will try again. Thank you I will post an update shortly.

Edit: I will try it this way.

D1 mini ..................... Ethernet shield

D5 Gpio14 ................ SPI CLK
D6 Gpio12 ................ SPI MISO
D7 Gpio13 ................ SPI MOSI
D4 Gpio 2 ................. Cs pin.

That worked. The problem I was having the whole time was the CS pin. I couldn't understand why I wasn't having any network or able to pin to the it. Thank you very much for all the help.


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