I am planing to use Arduino and MAX7219 8x8 LED displays to make replica of Thomas helmet from Daft Punk.
I have no experience with programming so could somebody help me out with writing the code for the LED matrix?
I am planing to use Arduino and MAX7219 8x8 LED displays to make replica of Thomas helmet from Daft Punk.
I have no experience with programming so could somebody help me out with writing the code for the LED matrix?
I love Daft punk, Im a huge fan. There helmets look complicated, but they are actually quite simple.Thomas' helmet, is probably the easiest because, his is a dot matrix, which uses a MAX7219 shift register. The standard Arduino dot matrix is an 8x8, where as Thomas' helmet is using a 50x10 dot matrix. This link HERE, shows you how to connect four displays, and provided an example code.
Thank you for the replay. Actually Thomas helmet uses 8x40 or 8x36 LED matrix. Connecting the MAX7219 matrix modules is not problem for me. All I need is a code to be operated arduino.
8x40? My friend made his wrong then, HA.
Did you try the library LED Matrix, it has some examples you can play with. I don't think anyone posted a full working code, but its worth a shot to look.
Parola seems to be a good library with nice examples.
I have found this threat about constructing LED matrix for Thomas helmet. The guy is using Arduino Nano with SureElectronics LED matrix. He even posted the code for it. Unfortunately at the near end of the threat I see that SureElectronics has changed the chip of the matrix from HT1632 to HT1632C wich has different maping. Though some other guy posted later modified code - which is not completely tested with the new matrix.
Here is the link:
My question is does someone can help me out with modifying the code so it can be used with MAX7219 chips or Polaris LED matrix?
It probably is easier to write your own code as adapt code, that you haven't written in the first place, for a totally different chip.
That's also why I mentioned the Parola-library, it was written for max7219/max7221-chips and it has a number of interesting functions/examplesketches that you can use right out of the box. If they're not exactly what you want... simply adapt one of the examples.
By the way, although it is a lot of work, the videos of k5cz show that creating a matrix using individual leds, may be better as using standard 8x8 matrices. It's hard to make a good looking matrix following the curves of the head with flat panels, while you can with single leds.
OK, I`ve found a project using Arduino with 4 chips MAX7219CNG (available as ready matrix modules with LEDs). I have the sketch with the code too. What I do not know is what type or model of Arduino was used and which pins are dedicated to connection with LED chips and control buttons. Is there are any way to find out what arduino board is suitable to be used with the code given? I am asking because the writer of the blog does not have contact information on his site.
Regards and thanks for the responses.
As long as it is not looking for pins 20 - 53, you can use any Arduino, but if it does call for those pins, then you need a mega.
The MAX7219CNG chip uses SPI, so that means you can use any Arduino. Where are you planning to store the Arduino, in a power pack or inside the helmet? This will tell you what size Arduino to get, Nano, Mini or Micro.
I would like to try arduino nano but have to find out if the code is calling pins 20-50! I am not software developer so can you check it for me? And one more thing - besides the arduino sketch on construction details I see link for Java code which I can not understand what is for?
Don't worry about the pins, your code wont be using them. Its just a way to identify what board you might need based on the pins the code calls for.
Post your code and any links you have.
Here is the link:
The code is at the bottom part of the text given as hyperlink - sketch and java program.
I have tried to verify the code under Arduino software but I got the massage: "Led Control"does not name a type
What does that mean?
Thanks for posting that link. I am in the process of making this helmet too and have run into a problem with understanding the Arduino side. I was looking at sending LED sequences wirelessly to the helmet but it is proving to be a challenge.
Have you decided what Arduino module you're going to use?
I can not say, because there is some error in the code. Second I have to figure out how big is the sketch in order to fit the memory volume of the controller. Still have allot of uncertenties.
Your program uses 11916 bytes and as far as I can see it wasn't written with a mega in mind. It should run on any type arduino as long as it uses an atmega168-chip or higher.
The problem that you can't compile your program is probably because you haven't installed the ledcontrol-library yet.
Here you can find the library needed Arduino Playground - HomePage.
Here's a guide on how to install it http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
the Arduino you use doesnt matter..
you only need 3 pins for the MAX chip(s)..
(plus V++ and GND of course though too)
you can use Duemilanove, UNO, Mega, nano, Pro-mini..etc..
as long as it has 3 open pins to dedicate to controlling/communicating to the chip(s)..
adding more chips doesnt take up more lines.. they just cascade off the first chip... using CLK, CS and DOUT..
they also multiplex the leds.. so current requirements are very low too..
(listen to the suggestion about installing the Led Control library.. (and into the correct location too) )
So, I just installed led control library and the sketch and successfully compiled them under arduino software. As I know from the thread I am following beside the four MAX7219 chips there are two or four more chips controlling the chin and ear LEDs. They have different pattern. Is Arduino nano capable of connecting three different sets of matrices: front cascade comprised of four matrices, two matrices for visor left and right end LEDs, and ear LEDs?
what kind of chips are used in the ears? just more MAX chips?
as stated, you only 3 pins/wires for your MAX chip(s).. thats it..
all other pins are free on the Arduino.. so if you need to use other pins for other chips.. it should (in theory) work
what kind of chips or the behavior it controls is needed for more help.