Dance party light:Adressable led strip controlled by software soundwave analyser

"Worlds Simplest Effect"

You'll need the bias circuit for this, or almost any effect.

Ideally the bias will read 512 but for best results run the Read Analog Serial Example with no audio signal to get the actual bias and change the Bias variable.

It blinks/flickers the built-in pin 13 LED so all you all you need is the bias circuit on the input and a USB cable to load the program and power the Arduino. It's really just a test-demonstration project but you can optionally connect a solid state relay to control an incandescent lamp, or you can wire-up a driver circuit for a "regular" LED strip, or you can modify the program to run your NeoPixels.

// SimplestEffect.ino
// "World's simplest" sound activated lighting effect
// Flickers the built-in pin-13 LED with the sound.  
// The LED flashes-on when the signal is above the moving average and off when below average.
// The LED is on half of the time for a good effect with loud or quiet songs.
// Works with a line-level or headphone-level signal.
// As usual, the input is biased at Vcc/2 for a reading of ~512 with no signal.
// Also works with most microphone boards that have amplified & biased outputs.
// Do NOT connect a "speaker" output as these can exceed the 0-5V limits and fry the Arduino
// It uses a 20-second moving average.  This array contains 20 "sampled" Max readings, not "the" maximum and not "the average".
// 20 seconds allows it to automatically adjust/calibrate to volume changes without getting out of calibration between songs. 
// With music or other "program material" wait 20 seconds for it to self-calibrate.
// Reads input A0

// Global Variables
int Bias = 512;                           //Nominally half of the 1023 range = 512.  Adjust as necessary
int NoiseThreshold = 6;                   //Increase to minimize false triggers with silence or background noise
int Analog;                               // The analog reading (with the bias subtracted-out)
int Max;                                  // The waveform peak over a short period of time
int Average;                              // A "sampled" moving average of Max values used as the LED-on threshold (not the true-average).

unsigned long ReadStartTime;             //millis() used to set time
int SampleTime = 50;                     //Sample for short time to find waveform peak 
unsigned long ArrayStartTime;            //millis() again 
int ArrayTime = 1000;                    //Update array once per second 

const int ArraySize = 20;                // 20 values in the moving-average array
int ArrayIndex = 0;                      // Index/pointer
int AverageArray[ArraySize];             // Saves a sample of 20 Max values for averaging

//Function prototype
int UpdateAverage(int Max);               //UpdateAverage() function prototype

void setup()
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);        // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

  for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    AverageArray[i] = 0;              //initialize the array with zeros 

// Start main loop ============================================================================================
void loop()
  Max = 0;                                  //Initilize/reset before running while() loop
  ReadStartTime = millis();                 //Save/update loop-starting time

  // Find waveform peak loop ==================================================================================
  // Takes readings in a "fast loop" to find the waveform peak.
  // At 20Hz a half-cycle is 25mS, so 25ms is the minimum time to find the peak (at deep bass frequencies).
  // A longer sample of about 100mS may work better with incancescant lamps (allowing the light to reach full-brightness).  
  while (millis() - ReadStartTime < SampleTime)
    Analog = abs(analogRead(A0) - Bias);                 // Read, take out the 2.5V bias/offset, make positive. 

    if (Analog > Max)                                    //Find Max before exiting loop 
      Max = Analog; 
  }// End waveform peak loop ==================================================================================

  //TURN THE LED ON/OFF =================================================================================== 
  if (Average < NoiseThreshold)             // Make sure LED is off with silence or background noise
    Average = NoiseThreshold;         

  if(Max > Average)                         //If the latest Max reading is > average, turn-on the LED
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);        //Turn the LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);         //Turn the LED off

  if (millis() - ArrayStartTime > ArrayTime)  // Time to update array?
    Average = UpdateAverage(Max);            // Call the UpdateAverage() function once per second
}  // End of main loop ==========================================================================================

// UpdateAverage() function =================================================================================
// Takes-in latest Max reading, updates the array, returns the average
int UpdateAverage(int Max) 
  int Sum = 0;    // Inialize/reset Sum before calculating average
  AverageArray[ArrayIndex] = Max;                //Update one array element with the latest Max 

  for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)                    //Sum-up the data in the array
    Sum = Sum + AverageArray[i];  

  Average = Sum/20;                              // Find average of the saved Max values

  ArrayIndex++;                                  //Next index for next time
  if (ArrayIndex > 19)
    ArrayIndex = 0;                              //Back to the beginning of the circuar buffer

  //Print information (Optional, once per second for testing/debugging)
  //Serial.print (" Average = ");
  //Serial.print (Average);
  //Serial.print (" Max = ");
  //Serial.println (Max);
  ArrayStartTime = millis();                     //New Array Start Time  
  return Average;        
} // End UpdateAverage() ====================================================================================

Audio Input Schematic.png