Data from 2 Arduinos

Alright, so I was testing the feasibility of an idea I had. So, say that I had 2 Arduino devices collecting data from one sensor each. I would want the data from one of the devices to wirelessly (using Bluetooth) go to an application on a computer and the other Arduino would be doing the same, but wired to the computer through a USB. The application would then calculate information from the collected data. Ideally, it will be able to send commands back to the Arduinos for them to do something like turn on a LED. With what program would I be able to create an application to accomplish this task? And can you link me to some tutorials to learn how to use it, if possible? Please let me know if I have left out information that you need to answer my question. Thank you!

I use Processing for that sort of thing.

I use Processing for that sort of thing.

Thank you! Any ideas on how to feed the data from 2 different Arduino devices into the software? Videos/tutorials would be really helpful!

I would want the data from one of the devices to wirelessly (using Bluetooth) go to an application on a computer and the other Arduino would be doing the same, but wired to the computer through a USB.

I guess it's just an intellectual exercise, but it sounds unnecessarily complicated, to the point of being dumb. Assuming that you really need two Arduinos, you might consider having one Arduino that:

  1. collects data from its sensor
  2. collects data that the second Arduino has collected
  3. Passes both, by whatever means, to PC.

Thereby having a single data stream to be handled by the PC, by using Arduinos doing things Arduinos do well, and a PC doing things a PC does well. This might be by a plain-vanilla terminal but another avenue might be by using the PLX macro for Excel, which effectively turns Excel into a terminal, thereby having Excel do all the dirty work, and feeding whatever result back to the central Arduino. This Arduino may then feed back to the other Arduino as required.

If you just want to prove the point, a plain-vanilla terminal, like Realterm, would suffice. realTerm is a freebie.

I guess it's just an intellectual exercise, but it sounds unnecessarily complicated, to the point of being dumb. Assuming that you really need two Arduinos, you might consider having one Arduino that:

  1. collects data from its sensor
  2. collects data that the second Arduino has collected
  3. Passes both, by whatever means, to PC.

Thereby having a single data stream to be handled by the PC, by using Arduinos doing things Arduinos do well, and a PC doing things a PC does well. This might be by a plain-vanilla terminal but another avenue might be by using the PLX macro for Excel, which effectively turns Excel into a terminal, thereby having Excel do all the dirty work, and feeding whatever result back to the central Arduino. This Arduino may then feed back to the other Arduino as required.

If you just want to prove the point, a plain-vanilla terminal, like Realterm, would suffice. realTerm is a freebie.

Ah... I get it, however, I need to have both the Arduinos separated. What would I need to do in order to have one of the Arduinos send data to another? Sorry about the confusion.

For wirelessly sending data between Arduinos, i like the NRF24L01 radios. Here is a good tutorial on their use.

A Spaekfun tutorial on Arduino to Processing serial communication.

Thank you everyone! One last thing if I must feed 2 data streams into a software like "processing" on a computer, how must I go about it? Anyone have any experience?

Ah... I get it, however, I need to have both the Arduinos separated. What would I need to do in order to have one of the Arduinos send data to another?

Since you are already talking Bluetooth, I imagine the two Arduinos would be connected via Bluetooth
Since you are already talking USB cable, I imagine the central Arduino would be connected to PC by cable, but there would be other choices.

The central Arduino may either carry two Blueteeth, or one that may be configurable on the fly, thereby talking Bluetooth to both PC and Arduino. All Bluetooth comms.

Both Arduinos may be ESP 8266 devices thereby running the whole show on WiFi instead


You will probably need a means to identify the Arduinos so you know who sends what.

I think OP has / wants one Arduino connected via Bluetooth and one via serial.